G3 Uniportal VATS LS1+2a+b segmentectomy
2022手术视频大赛+单孔胸腔镜LS1+2a+b切除术+赵庆涛 Uniportal VATS Left S1+2a+b Sub-Segmentectomy Zhao QingTao;Li Zhikai Department of Thoracic Surgery, Hebei Province General Hospital, No 348,Heping Road West, Xinhua District,Shijiazhuang 050000。 Corresponding:Zhao QingTao. Tel: 15030140388 Email: tao11182004@163.com Abstract A 58y-old men suffered from a 13mm GGO lesion in his left upper lobe. After 3 months follow-up, operation was underwent. According to CT scan, lesion was located in left upper lobe S1+2a+b. Preoperative 3D-CTBA shew that sub-segment B1+2a+b、 A1+2ai+b, A1+2aii and V1+2b. V1+2c was inter-vein between S1+2b and S1+2c.V1+2a was inter-vein between S1+2a and S3c.VL was inter-vein between S1+2 and S3.Intraoperation, we firstly open posterior mediastinum pleura and make pulmonary artery exposed. After cutting off A1+2ai+b and A1+2aii, we found B1+2a+b and V1+2b. Cutting off B1+2a+b and V1+2b were cut. Through expanding and collapsing lung, we found the dividing line between S1+2a+b and other lung. We removed the S1+2a+b with linear stapler cut. No Conflict of Interest 个人简介:赵庆涛,河北省人民医院胸外二科副主任 擅长胸部微创治疗(单孔胸腔镜),3D重建+单孔胸腔镜精准肺段切除、肺亚段切除、联合亚段切除;单孔胸腔镜下肺叶切除;肺结节消融术等。国家发明专利1项。发表SCI论文12篇。“2021第七届FUTURE菁英赛大中华胸腔镜手术” 太行赛区决赛第一名。获河北省“三三三” 工程人才,河北省科学技术进步二等奖1项;河北省医学科技奖一等奖3项。 学术团体及社会任职: 中国肺癌防治联盟河北省肺结节中心 常委 石家庄市医学会胸部微创委员会 常委 河北省预防医学会肿瘤防治与康复专业委员会 委员 河北省中西医结合学会胸心外科专业委员会 青年委员 助手:李志凯,河北医科大学2020级研究生(胸外科,导师:张霄鹏主任),Mimics三维重建及扶镜手。
- Category: Contest 2022,Segmentectomy
- Duration: 09:24
- Date: 3 years ago
- Tags: contest 2022